6月の文化交流サロン June's Salon



もし、興味があれば、石井さんのウェブサイトをご覧になってください。 http://www.ocao.biz/

On Sunday June 9th from 10:30 a.m. we held a Cultural Exchange Salon entitled, “Life Abroad” at the Tomiura Genki Club. About 15 participants attended to hear artist, designer, and yoga instructor, Ishii Yoko present about her time abroad.

Ms. Ishii has spent several years abroad traveling to England, The Phillipines, and India. During her time in London, she studied fashion. In The Philippines, she worked for JICA and helped local textile workers. She also traveled to India to study yoga.

After the presentation, participants chatted over a cup of chai tea, which is a tea native to India. Chai is a black tea that contains various spices like cinnamon, ginger, nutmeg, and cardamom and is normally drunk after being mixed with milk and sugar.

If you are interested, you can check out Ms. Ishii's website at: http://www.ocao.biz/

If you have any cultural questions about the United States or any English questions, send them to Kim and she will answer them in her blog! kimberly.miller@city.minamiboso.chiba.jp

