11月の文化交流サロン November's Salon




On Wednesday November 28th we held the Cultural Exchange Salon at the Yukaido in Chikura. This month's salon focused on American Thanksgiving traditions. About 25 people gathered together and brought food for a potluck style Thanksgiving dinner. The evening started off with a short explanation of the origins of Thanksgiving, given by myself, followed by an explanation of Thanksgiving Day traditions such as the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade and Black Friday, by Melissa Janssen. In Thanksgiving tradition, and in a mix of English and Japanese, everyone gave a word of “thanks” for this past year. Afterward we all dug in to a blend of American and Japanese food including turkey, cranberry sauce, mashed potatoes, and stuffing on the American side, and futomaki sushi, croquet, and fried foods on the Japanese side. (If you are interested in any recipes that were used at the Thanksgiving Salon, feel free to send me a message!)

I'm really glad I was able to have Thanksgiving this year even though I'm not in the United States, and that I was able to spend it with all of you.

Thanksgiving reminds people to focus on what they do have instead of focusing on any hardships they may have faced this year. It is a good reminder that no matter what happens, we really are blessed in some way. What are you thankful for this year?

If you have any cultural questions about the United States or any English questions, send them to Kim and she will answer them in her blog! kimberly.miller@city.minamiboso.chiba.jp

